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The LUENGAS IBARGUTXI Philosophy is framed within the parameters of Social Justice, with the aim of ensuring the protection of workers in an ethical and fair manner.

To do so, we are committed to our clients, listening to their problems and providing close support during the legal settlement of their case.

Our aim is to ensure that workers' rights are respected, for which we have two main courses of action. One, using prevention by offering training and information to workers about their rights so as they can detect non-compliance in advance to correct or to avoid revocation and limitation of claim deadlines. Two, we use a contentious legal course of action, in which we have proven expertise which allows us to provide a comprehensive solution to our client's employment problems.

Our work method enables us to offer a range of human and technical means that not only lead to the settlement of our clients' legal claims, but also to the settlement and effective implementation of these legal claims with guarantees.

The broad and extensive policy and legislative development at this time makes it very difficult to have a good understanding of the law as a whole. Specialising in the subject matter is the only way to ensure legal success. The present and the future of our profession is noted for this specialisation, as was the case years ago in the medical profession.

Society has evolved, and today it would be unthinkable to go to an orthopaedist or GP for a heart problem. This is the same reason that we don't go to an attorney general to resolve a labour dispute.

Workers are increasingly more conscious of the fact that they can't go to any Solicitor to get advice about specific matters, which is why they don't hesitate at the time of seeking an Employment Solicitor to defend their employment rights.

Our firm brings an added bonus to this specialisation as we are not only Employment Solicitors, but we also specialise in defending workers.




Registro Mercantil de Bizkaia, Tomo 5288, Libro 0, Folio 108, Hoja BI-60304, Inscrip 1º NIF B95683983

Colon de Larreategui 14 - 1º · 48001 Bilbao · T. 944 240 557