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Social Commitment


The LUENGAS IBARGUTXI firm's commitment to society is not only tangible because of dealing with and resolving our client's numerous problems, but it is also supported by our Firm's involvement in forums regarding the most up to date employment matters.

Thus, in 2003 our Firm took part in creating the Platform against Asbestos (Asbestos Victims Association of Euskadi, ASVIAMIE), thus giving a social response to a problem that affected many of our clients.

By creating this Platform, we have been able to give a voice to a group of people facing a serious problem, as is the violation of the Social Security legislation by numerous companies, which has led to many workers contracting Professional Illnesses due to contact and inhalation of Asbestos dust.

This social drama, which is driven by the negligence of companies when facing their obligations with regard to protecting the health of their workers, leads to illness and the premature death of a large number of workers due to diseases directly related to asbestos exposure.

From the very beginning, now and in the future, we are committed to defending the workforce, researching and innovating towards legally putting a stop to abuse and the disrespect of the laws governing the most basic rights of workers, amongst which is the right to health and physical integrity.



Registro Mercantil de Bizkaia, Tomo 5288, Libro 0, Folio 108, Hoja BI-60304, Inscrip 1º NIF B95683983

Colon de Larreategui 14 - 1º · 48001 Bilbao · T. 944 240 557