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We would like to welcome you to the LUENGAS IBARGUTXI firm.

Our firm's Solicitors and Labour Relations Specialists specialise in advising and defending workers, both employed and self-employed persons, private sector employees and public officials, trainees and senior management staff, people with work permits and foreigners working without documentation, individuals and unions.

We specialise in Employment Law and Social Security, and we also have experts specialised in other fields of law that might affect individuals in civil, criminal or administrative litigation. Nevertheless, we can help you find the right expert according to your needs.

We aim to give workers comprehensive advice, providing our services to resolve any problems that may arise in an environment as complex and important as the workplace.

We provide services for all cases that may arise in the workplace such as: Negotiation and Review of Employment Contracts, Layoff Claims, Wage Claims or other concepts, Provisional Downsizing Plan, Creditor's Meetings, Holidays, Union Elections, Work Accidents, Occupational Illnesses, Asbestos, Permanent Disability, Temporary Disability, Workplace Harassment, Lack of Security Measures, Negotiation and Review of Collective Bargaining Agreements, Public Employment Jobs, Examination of Merits and Damages, Employment Rights and other issues that may arise in the Employment and Social Security field.

We also provide support to our clients in other issues specific to individuals such as: advice about inheritance, marriage, separation and divorce, car accidents, fines, neighbouring communities and tax regulations.

All to help citizens with everyday legal problems.

The aim of our Firm is to defend the rights of workers and citizens from companies, organisations and public administrations. To do so we focus and specialise in worker defence, which gives us a high degree of independence that benefits our clients.




Registro Mercantil de Bizkaia, Tomo 5288, Libro 0, Folio 108, Hoja BI-60304, Inscrip 1º NIF B95683983

Colon de Larreategui 14 - 1º · 48001 Bilbao · T. 944 240 557